The truth knows
no compromise
Support Center for Foreign Journalists and Bloggers

Dear friends,
Considering the problems of the work of foreign media in Russia, we are creating a Support Center for foreign journalists and bloggers who want to seek and tell the truth about events related to our country.

Get support

The language barrier, difficulties in logistical schemes,
lack of connections in the political and information spheres – all these problems have a solution.

Types of support
01 Organization of trips to Russia, accompanied by our experts. Including the frontline areas.
02Provision with exclusive materials.
03Assistance in receiving comments from Russian opinion leaders.
04Possibility to speak out on Russian information platforms.
05Services of qualified translators.
06Assistance in the production of audio and video materials.
Our heroes
Foreign journalists
stay for Russia
Foreign journalists stay for Russia

West attacks Russia. We publish several interviews with foreign journalists and bloggers, such as Thomas Röper, Katu Arkonada, Erna Ýr Öldudóttirr, Arnaud Develay. They ready to hug and support Russia in difficult moments of life. подать заявку apply.

to Russia!
Welcome to Russia!

Now we make a cognitive and entertaining startup about our native country. This video shows the mission of our startup. Russia is an amazing country. Russia is great for people who value happiness, freedom and equal opportunities

Request a support here